Dr Stuart Thomson

People type:
Academic Background

After reading for my undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney, I came to Oxford as a Clarendon Scholar for my MSt and doctorate in Classical Languages and Literature at Corpus Christi College. For a number of years I taught Classics in secondary schools, and am the author of several commentaries published for the A Level syllabus in both Greek and Latin. I am currently completing theology studies in training for the priesthood in the Scottish Episcopal Church. 

Research Interests

Research Interests

Research Keywords

Early Christianity; Patristics; Second Sophistic


Greek and Latin language


Full Publications:

Selected Publications:

Forthcoming 2025. ‘Barbarian Languages’, in T. Denecker, M. Lamberigts et al. (eds). Language and Culture in Early Christianity. Leuven: Peeters.

Forthcoming 2024/5. ‘Apuleius, Metamorphoses VI’, in OCR Anthology for Latin AS and A Level Shorter Prose Authors. London: Bloomsbury.

Forthcoming 2024/5. ‘Aristophanes, Birds’, in OCR Anthology for Classical Greek. London: Bloomsbury.

2023. ‘Plato: Republic 1’, in OCR Anthology for Classical Greek. London: Bloomsbury.

2019. Apuleius: Cupid and Psyche. London: Bloomsbury.

2019. Review of Joseph Howley, Aulus Gellius and Roman Reading Culture, BMCR 2019.02.53

2017. ‘The Philosopher’s Journey: Philosophical and Christian Conversions in the Second Century’, Studia Patristica XCI: 123-140.

2017. Review of Kathleen Gibbons, The Moral Psychology of Clement of Alexandria, BMCR 2017.06.25

2013. Ed., with Tim Whitmarsh, The Romance Between Greece and the East. Cambridge: CUP.

2013. ‘Apostolic Authority: Reading and Writing Legitimacy in Clement of Alexandria’, Studia Patristica: LXVI: 19-32.