Dr Rebecca Armstrong Associate Professor in Classical Languages and Literature Fellow and Tutor in Classics, St Hilda's College
Dr Richard Ashdowne Lecturer in Classical Languages & Linguistics College Lecturer in Classical Languages and Linguistics: Merton, Trinity, Somerville and University Colleges
Dr Imran Asif Senior Research Software Engineer - FAIR Epigraphy Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents & Faculty of Classics
Dr Bernardo Ballesteros Petrella Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow Research Fellow, Corpus Christi College
Dr Timothy Gordon Barnes Departmental Lecturer in Classical Philology (Latin) Supernumerary Fellow of Wolfson College
Professor Amin Benaissa Professor of Papyrology Official Student (Tutorial Fellow) in Classical Languages and Literature, Christ Church
Dr Edward Bispham Associate Professor in Ancient History Tutorial Fellow in Ancient History, Brasenose College
Dr Phil Booth A. G. Leventis Associate Professor in Eastern Christianity Faculty of Theology and Religion
Professor Alan Bowman Founding Director of the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents (Retired) Brasenose College
Dr Alex Bown Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy Tutorial Fellow in Ancient Philosophy, Balliol College
Professor Richard Bruce Parkinson Professor of Egyptology, Fellow of The Queen’s College Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Dr Marcus Chin Postdoctoral Researcher, CHANGE Project, The Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents
Dr Penny Coombe College lecturer in Classical Archaeology at St John's College and Assistant Curator, Antiquities Department, Ashmolean Museum
Professor Ursula Coope Professor of Ancient Philosophy Professorial; Fellow of Keble College Faculty of Philosophy
Dr Charles Crowther Associate Professor in Ancient History, Assistant Director, Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents, Fellow in Ancient History, The Queen's College Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Professor Bruno Currie Professor of Greek Literature Monro Fellow and Tutor in Classics, Oriel College
Professor Armand D'Angour Professor of Classical Languages and Literature Fellow and Tutor in Classics, Jesus College
Professor Jacob L. Dahl Professor of Assyriology; Fellow of Wolfson College Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Professor Wolfgang de Melo Professor of Classical Philology, Governing Body Fellow, Wolfson College Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Dr Beate Dignas Associate Professor in Ancient History, Barbara Craig Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History Somerville College
Dr Marion Durand Associate Professor of Ancient Philosophy Tutorial Fellow in Ancient Philosophy, Corpus Christi College
Professor Mark Edwards Professor of Early Christian Studies, Tutor in Theology, Christ Church Faculty of Theology and Religion
Dr Olivia Elder Associate Professor of Ancient History, Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History, Oriel College; Lecturer in Ancient History, Jesus College
Dr Aneurin Ellis-Evans Associate Professor in Ancient History and George Cawkwell Tutorial Fellow in Ancient History, University College
Dr Tristan Franklinos Lector in Greek & Latin; Supernumerary Fellow, Wolfson College; Lecturer, Oriel College Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Professor Peter Frankopan Professor of Global History and Director of the Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research Senior Research Fellow, Worcester College
Dr Elizabeth Frood Associate Professor of Egyptology, Director of the Griffith Institute, Fellow of St Cross Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Professor Alison G Salvesen Professor of Early Judaism and Christianity Supernumeray; Fellow in Oriental studies, Mansfield College Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Dr David G.K Taylor Associate Professor of Aramaic and Syriac; Fellow of Wolfson College Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Professor Martin Goodman Professor of Jewish Studies; Fellow of Wolfson College Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Dr Emma Greensmith Associate Professor in Classical Languages and Literature Fellow and Tutor in Classics, St John’s College
Professor Constanze Güthenke Professor of Greek Literature, E.P. Warren Praelector Corpus Christi College
Dr J W Hanson Associate Professor of Roman Archaeology and Art Governing Body Fellow, Wolfson College
Dr Alexandra Hardwick Stipendiary Lecturer in Classics, Corpus Christi College and Stipendiary Lecturer in Classics (Greek and Latin Languages), Balliol College
Professor Carol Harrison Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity; Canon of Christ Church Cathedral; Delegate for Theology and Religion, OUP Faculty of Theology and Religion
Professor Stephen Harrison Professor of Latin Literature Senior Research Fellow, Corpus Christi College
Dr Volker Heuchert Research Lecturer in Greek Coinage Curator of Greek and Roman Provincial Coins, Ashmolean
Dr Ine Jacobs Stavros Niarchos Foundation Associate Professor of Byzantine Archaeology and Visual Culture Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Professor Richard Jenkyns Emeritus Professor of the Classical Tradition Emeritus Fellow and Tutor in Classics, Lady Margaret Hall
Dr Daniel Jolowicz Associate Professor of Latin and Greek Languages and Literature Official Student (Tutorial Fellow) in Classical Languages and Literature, Christ Church
Dr Lisa Kallet Emeritus Associate Professor of Classics Emeritus Cawkwell Fellow in Ancient History, University College
Dr Georgy Kantor Associate Professor of Ancient History Official Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History, Keeper of the College Pictures, St John's College
Dr Adrian Kelly Associate Professor in Classical Languages and Literature Tutorial Fellow in Ancient Greek Language and Literature, Balliol College
Thomas Kelly Instructor in Latin and Greek Languages, College Lecturer in Classical Languages, Magdalen College Magdalen College
Ms Juliane Kerkhecker Grocyn Lecturer Fellow and Tutor in Classics, Senior Tutor and Steward of the Common Room, Oriel College
Dr Sofia Kravaritou Post-Doctoral Researcher, in the project Demetrias in Thessaly: The archaeology of a cosmopolitan port city of the Hellenistic period, The Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Professor Marc Lauxtermann Professor of Byzantine and Modern Greek Language and Literature; Fellow of Exeter College Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages
Dr Leah Lazar Postdoctoral Researcher, CHANGE Project, The Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents Research Associate, Corpus Christi College
Professor Irene Lemos Professor of Classical Archaeology, Fellow of Merton College Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Professor Jane L. Lightfoot Professor of Greek Literature Charlton Fellow and Tutor in Classics, New College
Professor Fiona Macintosh Professor of Classical Reception, Director of the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama Fellow, St Hilda's College
Dr Thomas Mannack Reader in Classical Iconography and Director of the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum Project of the British Academy, Senior Research Lecturer, Lady Margaret Hall Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Dr Thomas McConnell Instructor in Greek and Latin Stipendiary Lecturer in Greek Literature, Balliol College
Professor Andrew Meadows Professor of Ancient History Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History, New College
Dr Milena Melfi Lecturer of Classical Archaeology, Assistant Curator of casts of Greek & Roman sculptures, Ashmolean Museum and Lecturer of Classical Archaeology, New College Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Dr Christopher Metcalf Associate Professor in Classical Languages and Literature Tutorial Fellow, Queen's College
Dr Pantelis Michelakis Academic's faculty job title Associate Professor of Classical Reception Director of the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama Fellow, St Hilda's College
Dr Valentina Mignosa Research Consultant for the Crossreads Project Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Professor Catherine Morgan Professor of Classics and Archaeology Senior Research Fellow, All Souls College
Professor Llewelyn Morgan Professor of Classical Languages and Literature and Chair of the Classics Faculty Board Fellow, Brasenose College
Professor Alex Mullen Professor of Ancient History and Sociolinguistics Professor, University Of Nottingham and Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford
Professor Giuseppe Pezzini Associate Professor of Latin Language and Literature Fellow and Tutor, Corpus Christi College
Dr Luke Pitcher Associate Professor in Classical Languages and Literature Fellow and Tutor in Classics, Somerville College
Dr Charlotte Potts Sybille Haynes Associate Professor in Etruscan and Italic Archaeology and Art Somerville College
Professor Jonathan Prag Professor of Ancient History Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History, Merton College
Professor Josephine Crawley Quinn Professor of Ancient History Martin Frederiksen Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History, Worcester College
Professor Tobias Reinhardt Corpus Christi Professor of the Latin Language and Literature Fellow, Corpus Christi College
Dr Frances Reynolds Shillito Fellow and Associate Professor of Assyriology; Senior Research Fellow of The Queen's College Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Dr Matthew Robinson Associate Professor in Classical Languages and Literature Fairfax Fellow and Tutor in Latin Literature, Balliol College
Professor Richard Rutherford Emeritus Professor of Greek and Latin Literature Retired Tutor in Classics 1982-2023, Christ Church
Dr Tuna Şare Ağtürk Departmental Lecturer & Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Dr Maren Schentuleit Associate Professor of Egyptology and Coptic Studies; Lady Wallis Budge Fellow, University College Director of the Griffith Institute Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Dr Scott Scullion Faculty Lecturer in Greek and Latin Languages and Literature Fellow and Tutor in Classics, Worcester College
Dr Andrew Shapland Sir Arthur Evans Curator of Bronze Age and Classical Greece, Ashmolean Museum Supernumerary Fellow in Archaeology, Jesus College
Dr Simon Shogry Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy & Tutorial Fellow, Brasenose College Brasenose College
Dr Andrew James Sillett Senior Researcher in Classical Education Stipendiary Lecturer in Classics, St Hilda's College
Professor Maria Stamatopoulou Professor in Classical Art and Archaeology Fellow and Tutor in Classical archaeology, Senior Dean, Lincoln College
Dr Kathryn Stevens Associate Professor, Faculty of Classics Tutorial Fellow in Ancient History, Corpus Christi College
Professor Peter Stewart Professor of Ancient Art, Director of the Classical Art Research Centre, Fellow, Wolfson College Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Dr Simona Stoyanova Researcher on the ERC project Crossreads, Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents Non-Stipendiary Research Fellow, Institute of Classical Studies, University of London
Dr Barnaby Taylor Associate Professor of Classical Languages and Literature Fellow and Tutor, Exeter College
Professor Rosalind Thomas Professor of Ancient Greek History, FBA Fellow and Tutor in Classics, Balliol College
Professor Peter Thonemann Professor of Ancient History Forrest-Derow Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History, Wadham College
Dr Ida Toth Senior Instructor in Medieval Greek and Latin and Lecturer in Byzantine Epigraphy, Research Fellow, Wolfson College Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Dr Anja Ulbrich A.G. Leventis Curator of the Cypriot Collection, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology
Dr Claudia Wagner Senior Research Lecturer Classical Archaeology, Lady Margaret Hall Ioannou Centre for Classical and Byzantine Studies
Professor Bryan Ward-Perkins Tutor in Late Antique and Medieval Study at Trinity College Faculty of History
Dr Guy Westwood Associate Professor in Greek Language and Literature Fellow and Tutor in Classics, Lady Margaret Hall
Professor Andreas Willi Diebold Professor of Comparative Philology Professorial Fellow, Worcester College